
ดร. นุ้งนิ้ง จุฬาติวเตอร์


Bachelor degree : faculty of science (chemistry), Chulalongkorn university First class Honor

Master degree : faculty of science (inorganic chemistry), Chulalongkorn university

Doctoral degree : faculty of chemical engineering, kasetsart university (winning of thesis reward 2022)

Further information

I am a chemistry teacher with over 12 years of teaching experience. I have been invited as a speaker to various events, authored chemistry books, and created exam questions for Se-ed. In addition to being a regular chemistry teacher at ETVThai Channel 11, everyone can learn chemistry with me daily at the page เรียนเคมีกันนะ


CU-ATS Chemistry
UCAT Chemistry
TBAT Chemistry
A-Level Chemistry
ACT Chemistry
IGCSE Chemistry
IB Chemistry
วิทยาศาสตร์ สอบเข้า ม.4
เคมี สอวน.
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